Shaping and Maintenance of Your Ornamental Redbud
Eastern Redbuds are ornamental trees that grow primarily in the eastern and south eastern part of America. They are small, usually topping out at around 30 feet though many are smaller. This makes the job of pruning them, relatively easy. Because the eastern redbud is one of the first trees to bloom in the spring, it is a stunning addition to the landscape.
The eastern redbud does not bloom in red, as you might think. Its blossoms are pink to lavender to purple in color. The blossoms erupt all along the branches and sometimes even along the trunk. The bark is dark in color, setting off the color dramatically. The wide-spreading branches lend a delicate appearance. Maintaining that appearance is what pruning is all about.
Eastern redbuds can be pruned for maintenance during two times of the year. The first and preferred time is in the spring just after the flowers have fallen away. This is typically April or May. Later winter while the tree is dormant is another good choice, just before the buds start to break.
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To purchase an Eastern Redbud or other tree or shrub, Visit Springhill Nurseries
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